Political Education for Democratic Civics

A strong and functioning liberal democracy requires a strong public system that educates its pupils toward a deeply democratic perspective, humanism, and values of liberty and equality. It teaches them to develop critical thinking and political awareness, and gives them democratic civic tools and skills. IDEA promotes civic education and political education that aims to strengthen liberal democracy in Israel’s school systems via teacher training, content development, support and training of educational teams, and development of curricula inside and outside the academic world

The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse is an educational center that develops content and provides professional support and training to staff members who work in informal education.

The Lighthouse works in partnership with the HeHalutz movement.



Non-academic semester course, run in partnership with the Lautman Foundation, for those studying education in various academic institutions

Misholim – Regev

A retraining program for outstanding teachers for teaching civics and history that is offered at Kibbutzim College

Misholim – Mifras

A think and development tank for school principals, run in partnership with the Lautman Foundation and the Mifras Educational Entrepreneurship Incubator

Training for Teaching Staff Members

IDEA offers workshops, training courses, and support for teaching staff members in formal and informal education settings, and invites teachers to join a network of educators who promote and strengthen education for democracy in Israel.
